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No 127

“Trusted men in a familiar role subscribing to the accepted symbols can go a very long way on their own initiative without explaining the substance of their programs. But wise leaders are not content to do that. Provided they think publicity will not strengthen opposition too much, and that debate will not delay action too long, they seek a certain measure of consent. They take, if not the whole mass, then the subordinates of the hierarchy sufficiently into their confidence to prepare them for what might happen, and to make them feel that they have freely willed the result.”

(Walter Lippmann, Journalist und Berater von Präsident Wilson – Public Opinion, 1922)

Jascha Jaworski

2 Kommentare

  1. Erneut kommt der Propagandist und Ideenstifter des Nachkriegsliberalismus Lippmann zu Wort, um uns Aufschluss über Herrschaftstechniken zu geben.

  2. Lippmann ist wohl so eine Art Macchiavelli light.
    Ob diese seine Aussage noch gilt, seit es das Internet gibt, bezweifle ich.

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